Palitay Ivan Sergeevich
The Younger Generation of Politicians in Modern Russia: A Political- Psychological Approach to ResearchMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 3. p.7-22read more1062
With the advent of a suffi ciently large number of young politicians, a comprehensive study of this generation not previously undertaken in our research has become possible. The political-psychological approach proposed by the author takes into account the subject-object character of youth in politics and is based on a combination of political, institutional and psychological principles of research. The approach is to study young political leaders both as separate individuals and as a generational community, combining generalized analysis with individual case studies. The fi rst of these methods makes it possible to obtain a socio-demographic profi le of the young political elite, revealing gender relations, prevailing levels and directions of education, their compliance with the positions held, as well as mechanisms and ways of entering the world of politics among young people. The method of studying individual cases involves the study of young politicians from the standpoint of analyzing their personal characteristics, among which the author highlights the self-concept, motivation, style of interpersonal relations and style of political behavior. The study of individual representatives of the young elite from this position allows us to get an idea about this generation’s ways of exercising power as well as to assess the prognostic potential of the young elite. The proposed approach to the study of the younger generation of politicians can contribute to the process of optimization of personnel policy and the formation of an eff ective system of recruiting young leaders.
Keywords: young generation, young politicians, political leaders, political and psychological approach, research model, political elite, political psychology
Political And Psychological Features Of The Electoral Cycle 2011 - 2012: Materials Of The Round TableMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2012. 1. p.95-114Shestopal E.B. Zverev A.L Evgenyeva T.V. Selezneva A.V. Vinogradova N.S. Yakovleva E.A. Palitay more300
Features Of The Perception Of Modern Russian Political PartiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2012. 2. p.83-95read more280
Psychological Features Of The Perception Of Political Parties In Modern RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 4. p.28-51read more249
Party Leaders: Role-playing And Personal DimensionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2015. 5. p.93-102read more303
Personal and Professional Potential of Young Deputies of the State Duma: А Political and Psychological AnalysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 6. p.69-82read more953
The article provides an analysis of the main role characteristics of a parliamentarian, as well as the theoretical foundations of the political and psychological research dealing with the personality of politicians. Based on these foundations, the research provides a model for a political and psychological analysis of the personal and professional potential of young parliamentarians. Methodologically, the research relies on the biographical analysis hand in hand with content analysis, observation, and in-depth interviews. This methodology has been applied to the analysis of the personality of all young deputies of the State Duma, defi ned by their age (under 35). The study shows that among the main traits of the young legislators prevail those related to achievement and power. On the other hand, affi liation appears as the least developed, indicating the dedication of young deputies in the direction of chosen priorities and emphasizing high ambition among their main leadership qualities. In terms of type of political leadership, the majority of young deputies can be labelled as “administrators”, while the number of extroverts exceeds the number of introverts. Most young legislators appear to have low selfesteem and a complex self-concept, factors that enhance their commitment on the one hand, and manageability by the top management on the other. Two archetypes, “Agitator — Apolitical — Motive of Power” and “Administrator — Pragmatist — Motive of Achievement” identifi ed by the research, confi rm the current request from the federal government for “speaking” and subordinated individuals.Keywords: political elite; deputy corps; State Duma; young generation; professional potential; psychological profile; political and psychological analysis
Communicative Image Of The Subject Of The Russian Federation As A Factor Of Perception Of His Head (on The Example Of Moscow And Primorsky Krai)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 4. p.37-51read more470
The article presents the results of a study of the communicative image of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Moscow and Primorsky Krai), as well as the images of their heads in the mass consciousness of residents. The results were obtained in the course of an analysis of federal and regional media, as well as a survey of citizens. The communicative image of each region was described according to the developed model by the following indicators: improving the living environment, organizing points of attraction for citizens, infrastructure; attractiveness for investments, large companies, brands; the strategic importance of the region for the State; adequate availability of jobs and employment. The same indicators were used as the basis for the developed questionnaire.
The study revealed that the subject’s communicative image is not always a key factor in the perception of its head. In the case when the communicative image of the region is built in relation to the leader, the latter experiences his positive influence, while the negative aspects of the leader’s perception do not affect the image of the region (Moscow case). In the case when the policy of forming the communicative image of the subject and its leader are not connected with each other, the regional factor practically has no effect, and the negative aspects of the leader’s perception reduce the level of attractiveness of the image of the region (the case of Primorsky Krai).Keywords: communicative image; image of a region; image of a leader; image of a region; head of a region; political perception; Moscow; Primorsky Krai; Kozhemyako; Sobyanin
Thirty years of political and psychological research at Moscow University: results and prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. more85