Rakityanskiy Nikolai Mitrofanovich
Refl ections on the Political Mentalization of British Elites: A Political and Psychological Essay (Part 1)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 3. p.37-54read more891
This essay’s part contains two relatively independent sections. At the beginning of the text, the authors discuss the mental and civilizational mission of Christianity in England, in particular the Catholic and Celtic churches. The mental and civilizational foundations, as well as the distinctive statehood of the future British nation, were laid in the process of their multidimensional interaction. The second section describes the stages of the transition from impersonal, undogmatic, autochthonous polymentality to the formation of a subjective, dogmatic, monotheistic mentality among the inhabitants of the British Isles. The fundamental political and psychological result of the Christianization of the British elites was the emergence of new mental properties. First of all, subjective identity as awareness of the exclusivity of one’s potential, and also the ability to political refl ection and to identify oneself with the goal of political activity. The British elite’s uniqueness is due to the peculiarities of the historical development and formation of their subjectivity, which gave rise to a special ruling regime and original political culture.
Keywords: mentalization, English political mentality, christianization, Catholicism, Celtic Church, polytheistic impersonalism, individual, utilitarianism, monotheism, dogma, superconsciousness, personality, subject, subjectivity, subject identity, refl ection, British elites
Reflections on the Political Mentalization of British Elites: A Political and Psychological Essay (Part 2)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 5. p.28-43read more838
In this article’s second part, the authors consider the results of the activities of the predecessor of English (insular) Protestantism, the theologian and philosopher William Ockham, who at the beginning of the 14th century formulated the basic postulates of a political phenomenon later to be called British imperialism. Occamism gave rise to individualistic liberalism as the foundation of bourgeois law; the idea of “human rights”; voluntarism as the primacy of will over reason; and the emphasis on empirical knowledge as a belief in progress and as a principle of utilitarianism. The authors describe the programming infl uence of Occamism on the formation of the mental foundations of the ruling estates and demonstrate the mental and political dynamics of British elites in the period of national history before the Reformation of 1534. The sustaining mental references of the British elites — including individualism, voluntarism, pluralism, skepticism, relativism, messianism, political expansionism — are also discussed. Finally, the structure of the mental-evaluational resource base of the elites is presented, featuring nominalism, imperial-patriotic liberalism and liberal law, conservatism, traditionalism, the law of the strong, hegemonism and the awareness of exclusiveness.
Keywords: political mentality, occamism, nominalism, liberalism, individualism, voluntarism, utilitarianism, hegemonism, messionism, political expansionism
The Concept Of Mind And Mentality In The Context Of Political PsychologyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 6. p.89-102read more294
Experience Of The Conceptual Analysis Of Islamic Mentality In The Context Of Political PsychologyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2012. 5. p.53-71read more295
Judaic Mentality: Political-psychological EssayMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2013. 4. p.57-83read more275
The Political-psychological Dynamics Of North Caucasus ReislamizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 2. p.52-71read more311
The Capabilities Of The Russian Philosophical-psychological School And A Methodology For Portraiture Of A Politician's PersonalityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 6. p.7-30read more274
Conceptual modeling of the chinese political mentality (part 1)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 2. p.57-79read more316
This article presents a systematic analysis of the original bases of the Chinese political mentality, traditions of power and politics in the context of change. The phenomenon of the Chinese mentality is examined in its historical, theological, philosophical, political and psychological aspects. A model of the Chinese mentality is conceptualized by the authors as an anthropocentric, polytheistic (adogmatic), naturalistic, adaptive-imitative, reproductive and utilitarian system with high assimilative and regenerative potential, strategically set on borrowing vital innovations from the outside. The significance of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism as adogmatic, subjectless, orthopraxic and inclusive cults is addressed and legalism is described as a political doctrine in the positivist sense. The article discusses the legitimizing, prescriptive and protective role of traditions and the installation-programming value of the rituals and ceremonies system in the structure of the Chinese mental model. The authors advance the thesis that the absence of the foundations of transcendental, dogmatic thinking in China’s political mentality determines its inability to perform effective mental-political expansion on a global scale.Keywords: mentality; history; tradition; ritual; sinocentrism; polytheism; Confucianism; Taoism; Buddhism; legalism; adaptive-imitative; reproductive; utilitarian; legitimation; adoption; reproduction
Conceptual Modeling Of The Chinese Politicalmentality (part 2)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 5. p.64-86read more439
In this second part of their article the authors examine the particularities of power in the Chinese ritualistic society, it impersonalism, the mental capacity of the political community and the problems of its modernization. The article concludes that beginning in the second half of the 20th century, China sought for the first time in its history to combine adaptive-imitative and reproductive-utilitarian tradition with the realization of a subjective role, adapting and repeating the lessons of the achievements of the Soviet Union and copying the principles of economy, the turnover of political elites and standards of consumer civilization from referenced subjects of the West. Keeping the basics of Chinese identity, taking from outside and calculating mental models, the Chinese Communist Party is organizing the construction of a bourgeois society on borrowed models. In the 21st century the Chinese mentality, with its pragmatism, orientation towards material benefits, Sino-centrism and arrogance is not producing innovation and does not offer the world civilizational alternatives, creative ideas, cultural landmarks, philosophical meanings or images of a desirable future.Keywords: mentality; history; tradition; ritual; Sino-centrism; polytheism; Confucianism; Taoism; Buddhism; legalism; adaptive imitating; reproductive; utilitarian; legitimation; adoption; reproduction
British Political Personology In The Context Of Mentality Studies (Part 1)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 3. p.73-89read more393
In the first part of this article the authors consider the foundations of the English mentality, which was formed over the centuries on the basis of natural genetic resources, cultural and historical potential and the dogmas of insular Protestantism. The unyielding dogmatism of the British mentality is messianically, uniformly and totally realized in global politics. The unique political competitiveness of Britain is a testament to the consistency, persistence, pragmatic ethics and cruelty of the British government irrespective of changes among the figures at its head. Britain maintains its long-term political influence through the successive development of elites, the system of Protestant values, project-oriented thinking, reflexive management, pragmatic flexibility, a particular system of law, financial strategies, intelligence-gathering, the globalization of the English language and humanitarian technologies. The authors note that the policy of achievement on a global scale is the ultimate expression of national subjectness. In the context of its continuous national history, Britain has been a systemic political super-subject for centuries.Keywords: mentality; subjectness; insular Protestantism; dogmatism; English nationalism; legal system; political system; slave trade; expansion; liberalism; system super-subject; elite; voluntarism; Pax Britannica system
British Political Personology In The Context Of Mentality Studies (Part 2)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 4. p.68-91read more456
In this second part of their article, the authors attempt to consider what might be called British political personology. Since representatives of the ruling elites played a leading role in the formation and development of a unique British civilization, a politiсo-psychological study of their personal characteristics would seem to have considerable relevance. Yet in British political science, despite the great importance of the role of the Prime Minister and other high offi cials of the state, political personology has not yet developed as such. Nevertheless, the authors consider it possible to identify two main aspects in the study of national political leaders — historical and modern — as well as a number of research trends, including historiographical, biographical, linguistic, literary, and artistic subsets. Most of the analyses identifi ed are devoted to the study of the country's Prime Ministers, who historically occupy a special status in the structure of the British political system. The authors proffer examples of the application of concrete ideas and models in the study of English Prime Ministers.Keywords: political personology; Prime Minister; subject operating system; personification; political leadership; political leader’s portrait; political and psychological characteristics; political elites
The Phenomenon of Dogmatic Thinking in Political Psychology: Theoretical and Methodological AspectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 5. p.36-54read more910
The article attempts to provide a systematic analysis of the phenomenon of dogmatic thinking explaining its signifi cance for political and psychological research. The publication contains four relatively independent sections. First, the author discusses the dogma and dogmatic thinking concepts, their content, meanings, and functions. Dogmas have integrative properties and are considered as a factor of socialization, able to form a systemic model of the world in mass consciousness. The second part of the article deals with the “law of context,” the psychological mechanisms of contextualization, decontextualization, refl ection, and their importance in understanding political problems. The third part develops the thesis that dogmas can be seen as the dominant contextual system, a building block for the formation of mental matrices and the main paradigm of political thinking. Finally, the last part investigates the essence of dogma as the basis of political mentality. The author concludes refl ecting on the heuristic potential of the dogmatic principle in the study of global mental-political systems.
Keywords: dogma, dogmatic thinking, dialectical thinking, law of context, contextualization, decontextualization, refl ection, dogmatic principle
The Formation Of Political Psychology: A Survey Of Its Main StagesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 6. p.98-125read more754
In the article, the author refers to the history of the formation of political psychology as a scientific discipline. In the first section, the reader sees a brief overview of the works of Russian and European scientists, which, in essence, had a political and psychological character. The second section shows the participation of US researchers, whose efforts have brought political psychology to the international level. The following sections deal with the stages in the formation of political psychology in Moscow, Leningrad, and then in St. Petersburg. The author notes that at present in Russia there are three main centers for political and psychological research and scientific and pedagogical training of specialists - the Department of Political Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Research Institute of Political Psychology and Applied Political Research, Pushkin Leningrad State University. The paper presents the main directions of political and psychological research in our country.Keywords: Political psychology; political-psychological research; psychological aspects of politics; stages of development; International Society of Political Psychology; political-psychological practices; the study of political leadership; psychological portraiture
Political Mentalization of the French Ruling Elites: A Political-psychological EssayMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 4. p.81-128read more467
The subject of the essay is the main stages of the historical past of French civilization, in the depths of which the political mentality of the ruling elites was formed. In the beginning, the authors consider the mental and civilizational results of the five hundred years of Romanization of Gaul as a province of the Roman Empire. The role of Christian proselytism in the formation of the monotheistic mentality and the political role of the Church of Gaul are revealed. The thesis about the mental heritage of the Roman Empire in the conditions of its collapse and the formation of the foundations of an original Christian nation is revealed. Then there is the convergence of the Roman and barbarian social structures of the Frankish Empire, as a result of which a monotheistic mental space was formed and Catholicism became the state religion. The conclusion is made about the historical and mental-political significance of chivalry. In the next section, the authors turned to the philosophical, theological and scientific heritage of the enlighteners of the Middle Ages and the New Age, who influenced the development of the political mentality of the French elites. The separate part of the essay examines the influence of the French Renaissance on the ruling elites, who, having mastered the mental models of the Italian Renaissance, began to build their national identity on their basis. The centuries-old theological and political nature of French political power in the Renaissance was transformed into a subject-pragmatic one. For the first time in the political history of Europe, politics was separated from religion. Christian dogmas as the basic mental attitudes of the elites gave way to the semantic primacy of secular principles of existence. During the period of absolutism, on the soil cultivated by the Renaissance, anti-absolutist and anti-clerical mental and political attitudes were formed in the elite environment, which determined the nature of the revolutionary events of the 18th-19th centuries. During the period of the Consulate and the First Empire, Napoleon I, seeking to ensure the economic dominance of the Empire and its military superiority over the countries of the continent, pursued a policy of mental reconstruction of the elite in order to create a new nobility. In the course of the analysis, the authors reveal the dialectical nature of the mental dynamics of the French elites.Keywords: France; ruling elites; mentalization; mental dynamics; monotheistic mentality; subjectivity; patriotism
Thirty years of political and psychological research at Moscow University: results and prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. 6.read more85