Smulkina Natalia Valentinovna
The Representation of the ‘Abroad’ in the Russian Mass Consciousness: A Politico-Psychological AnalysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 6. p.47-68read more954
The article presents an analysis of the perceptions of states belonging to the categories of “near” and “ far abroad”. The representation of the “abroad” have been examined in terms of the attractiveness, strength and assertiveness, focusing on both the rationalized assessments and fully verbalized, unconscious representations of the countries. As result of in-depth interviews and projective techniques, the research analyzed the representation of Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, the USA, Germany, India, China, Brazil, and Turkey formed in the minds of the respondents. The study shows an unequal perception of these countries, which is infl uenced by a complex set of factors. For countries associated with the “near abroad”, a signifi cant set of factors shaping the perception of the respondents is associated with personal experience, such as living in the specifi c country in the past, or elements of self-identifi cation, such as ethnic, confessional and ethnocultural values. On the other hand, for the perception of countries associated with the “ far-abroad”, important factors are the mutual agreements between the states, the established set of ethnocultural stereotypes, the nature of foreign policy relations and the personal experience of relations with people of the specifi c foreign country. Finally, the perception of both categories, “near” and “ far abroad”, is also infl uenced by the media. Overall, the results of the research show a high impact of the trends in bilateral relations with Russia on a public perception of the specifi c foreign country.Keywords: near abroad; far abroad; political perception; images of state; factors of political perception; political-psychological approach
Thirty years of political and psychological research at Moscow University: results and prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. more85