Kapitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich
Political-Philosophical and Sociological Aspects of the Regulation of Violence in International RelationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 2. p.7-23read more948
The author examines the political-philosophical and sociological aspects of the formatting of violence in international relations (IR). The study reactualizes concepts aimed at the advancement of the world community toward social justice and the absence of war based on the optimization of political and legal regulation of IR. The analysis connects the teleology of “social justice” with the functional and systemic approaches to the hierarchy of regulators of violence, which theoretically substantiates the prospects of international “pacifi cation.” The activation of the problem of progress towards social justice was stimulated in international-political theory both by the memory of the world wars and the Cold War and by modern changes in social reality — the turbulence of world politics. Such a hierarchy is an indispensable condition for overcoming the imbalances that arise in the anarchistic variety of regulators; it orders the subordination of regulatory complexes (formats) that determine the regulation of international relations.
Keywords: international relations, social justice, violence, hierarchy of regulatory formats, international law
The 1st International Economic Forum On Reform, Transition And Growth (jinan University, Guangzhou, Prc, November, 6-8, 2015)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2015. 5. p.116-123read more287
Foreign Academic Journals of Political Sciences: a General ReviewMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 5. p.88-128read more530
The article provides a general overview of the current state of the leading scientifi c journals in political science published in the post-Soviet countries (classifi ed by country), the United States of America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Special attention is paid to German-language political science journals. The characteristics of individual periodicals that play an important role in the development of political science and the dissemination of political science knowledge on a national, regional and global scale (in terms of the themes of publications, the circle of authors, publishers and target audience) are given. It contains information about regional databases (systems) that take into account the citation of scientific publications in periodicals.Keywords: political science; political research; scientific peer-reviewed journals; Asia; Europe; United States of America; Latin America
Severity Of The Covid-19 Pandemic, Stringency Of Restrictive Measures And Institutional Characteristics Of The Countries In The World: Approaches To Quantitative AnalysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 2. p.58-82read more418
Based on empirical quantitative data, the article examines the relationship between the severity of the epidemiological situation in a particular country (1), the stringency of protective and restrictive measures imposed by the government (2), and the institutional characteristics of the country (including the quality of healthcare, management, the level of public confidence in the government, value orientations, etc.), which determine the specifics of the application of measures and their effectiveness (3). As a result, with the help of the index of the severity of the epidemiological situation, institutional characteristics were identified that most affect the effectiveness of the measures applied and, if possible, allow combining the relatively easy passage of the pandemic with relatively lax measures. Based on statistical indicators, practical recommendations have been developed aimed at reducing the severity of the epidemiological situation and reducing the severity of measures.Keywords: COVID-19; pandemic; restrictive measures; Stringency Index; institutional characteristics; public administration
The Theme Of Versailles In The 100th Anniversary Of The Soviet Union, Or “Eternal Return” In The Light Of Historical PoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 6. p.7-21read more456
The USSR, created after the Civil War, existed for almost 70 years and collapsed, repeating partially the fate of the Russian Empire. Researchers saw in the “chain” of events of the 20th–21st centuries. The “return” of circumstances similar to the Versailles order. Building power imbalances by ousting individual great powers from the circle of joint strategic decision-makers is again fraught with historical challenges. The purpose of the article is to comprehend the possibility of a “return” on a new “round” of historical challenges in the context of a change in the international order and the cost of overcoming these challenges in the process of geopolitical self-determination of Russia as a great power. The objectives of the article: to identify from the standpoint of historical politics the meanings of “returning” challenges as lessons for explaining the past and present, identifying the contours of the future, to conduct a comparative analysis of the consequences of Versailles and trends in the formation of the modern international order. The comparison revealed the “return” of the Versailles challenge in the form of such a variable as the condition of mass consciousness, capable of fragmenting the national identity of the state, destroying it. What happened to national identity in Russia in 1917 was “returning” at the end of the Cold War in the late USSR. There is a threat of such a “return” in modern Russia.Keywords: USSR; Russia; historical politics; national identity; counteridentities; Versailles peace; “eternal return”
Comparative Political Science studies at the Faculty of Political Science of Moscow UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. 6.read more84