ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Political-Philosophical and Sociological Aspects of the Regulation of Violence in International Relations

Political-Philosophical and Sociological Aspects of the Regulation of Violence in International Relations


The author examines the political-philosophical and sociological aspects of the formatting of violence in international relations (IR). The study reactualizes concepts aimed at the advancement of the world community toward social justice and the absence of war based on the optimization of political and legal regulation of IR. The analysis connects the teleology of “social justice” with the functional and systemic approaches to the hierarchy of regulators of violence, which theoretically substantiates the prospects of international “pacifi cation.” The activation of the problem of progress towards social justice was stimulated in international-political theory both by the memory of the world wars and the Cold War and by modern changes in social reality — the turbulence of world politics. Such a hierarchy is an indispensable condition for overcoming the imbalances that arise in the anarchistic variety of regulators; it orders the subordination of regulatory complexes (formats) that determine the regulation of international relations.


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Keywords: international relations, social justice, violence, hierarchy of regulatory formats, international law

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 2, 2019