Features of the Development of Humanitarian Discourse in Soviet Political PracticeMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 4. p.26-39read more869
This article attempts to analyze the evolution of the political identity of the Soviet Union in the context of the transformation of humanitarian discourse. This discourse can be defi ned as a set of ideas transmitted in a political language about the sociopolitical identity of a person, his rights and freedoms. Analyzing the development of the system of ideas about man, rights and freedoms in the offi cial Soviet discourse, the article demonstrates how such ideas formed the collective political identity of the Soviet state at various historical stages. The author concludes that Soviet ideology and offi cial political discourse throughout the entire period of existence of the Soviet state reproduced the concept of humanitarian universalism, which was an alternative to Western humanitarian discourse and constituted both the Soviet strategy of foreign policy and the international identity of the Soviet state overall.
Keywords: political discourse, humanitarian discourse, Soviet Union, discourse analysis, collective identity, communism, ideology
From Politization of Human Rights to the Formation of Universal Identity: An Analysis of the Evolution of Western Humanitarian DiscourseMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 6. p.7-18read more896
This article is devoted to the study of the evolution of humanitarian discourse in the nations of the West after the Second World War. Analyzing the transformation of approaches to the interpretation of human rights, human security and development presented in the program documents and political practice of the European Union countries and the USA, the author addresses the relationship between the politicization of humanitarian discourse and the universalization of the Western political identity.
Keywords: humanitarian discourse, political identity, securitization, European Union, USA, human rights, security
Russian Identity in the Context of Global Digitalization: On the Issue of Digital SovereigntyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 6. p.58-80read more230
The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the need to ensure digital sovereignty in order to preserve the subjectivity of the Russian state in the processes of identity formation, ensuring information security, the integrity of the value-semantic space and the consolidation of society. Using a constructivist approach to the interpretation of the phenomenon of macropolitical identity, the author explores the features of nation-building and the identification process in post-Soviet Russia. Based on the analysis of the risks and challenges that accompany global digitalization at the present stage, the author substantiates the relevance of implementing a comprehensive state policy in the field of digital sovereignty in order to protect the consolidating Russian identity, which today is the model of the “state-civilization”.Keywords: Russian identity; digital sovereignty; state-civilization; valuesemantic space; digitalization; information confrontation