The Us Indo-pacific Strategy: Goals, Logic Of Construction And Consequences For The East Asian SituationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 5. p.103-112read more472
This article analyses the objectives of the US Indo-Pacific strategy, the logic of its construction, and the impact on the East Asian region from Chinese perspectives. Under the administration of D. Trump relations between the United States and China are characterized by the growth of confrontational moods. The Biden administration inherited the political thinking of the Trump administration and continued to implement the Indo-Pacific strategy. From a theoretical point of view, this strategy is based on realpolitik principles. It was influenced by both the geopolitical theory of sea power and the geographical concept of the Indo-Pacific region by K. Haushofer. At the present time a multi-level theoretical and ideological framework has been developed to justify the implementation of the US Indo-Pacific strategy. Analyzing the practice of its implementation, the author characterizes the role of traditional US allies in the Asia-Pacific region (Japan and South Korea), and also considers the importance of the Taiwan issue. The implementation of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy has led to changes in the situation in East Asia in terms of politics and security.Keywords: Indo-Pacific Strategy; U.S.; China; East Asia; security