The Implementation Of The Search Engine Manipulation Effect In The Election Campaign 2021 In RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 4. p.73-86read more610
The article presents the results of an applied political research devoted to the implementation of the manipulative effect of search engines (SEME) during the election campaign in 2021 in Russia. SEME is a technology for influencing a wide audience, aimed at transforming behavioral effects and shaping public opinion through changes in the issuance of digital search engines. The order of issue, as well as the tone of the results, can significantly influence the attitude of undecided users and their subsequent electoral choice. According to the results of the study, a number of manipulations in the nature of search results were recorded, associated with an increase in negative coverage of the electoral process, election results and the state of the party system, achieved through the active dissemination of materials from foreign information resources.Keywords: election campaign; search engines; digital environment; manipulative technologies; political parties; party system; political technologies; information intervention
Digital Activity of Russia’s Youth in the New Political Reality: The Main Risks and Ways to Overcome ThemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 6. p.100-123read more268
The article presents the results of a socio-political study of digital activism of Russian youth. The launch of the special military operation in Ukraine and the events that followed acted as a catalyst for the activation of various digital practices by youth groups. At a time of heightened global tensions, the extent and nature of young people’s immersion in the digital environment creates both significant risks for state and public institutions associated with the spread of destructive attitudes and controlled attempts at protest mobilization, and new opportunities determined by improved political communication and the formation of a digital dialogue with young people. The theoretical framework of the study is conditioned by the gradual transformation of the concepts of ‘digital citizenship’ which are moving towards technological and informational sovereignty. The methodology of the study is based on a combination of network and cognitive approaches. The algorithm of data collection, processing and analysis included the use of cognitive mapping of content to collect markers of youth civic and political activity, automated social media analysis of information flows, and subsequent verification of digital data through polygraph testing with elements of focused interviewing. According to the results of the study, the dominance in the information space of the flows supporting the current political course and the implemented state policy was concluded. At the same time, their visibility is limited by the significant disintegration of the audience and the lack of transformation of their activity into real practices. Critical information flows of an oppositional orientation are characterized by controllability and functionality. Such a situation creates conditions for external information pressure on vulnerable groups of young people, spreading destructive, fake and manipulative content. The study also identified structural trends in the development of information flows of youth civic engagement, the peculiarities of physiological reactions to popular political content. The basic recommendations based on the results of the work are focused on the improvement of technologies of interaction with young people by state and public institutions.Keywords: digital activism; civic activism; social media; youth; information space; information flows; digital risks; digital security
The role of external network actors in shaping the protest attitudes of Russian social media usersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. 2. p.94-113read more311
The article presents the results of an applied political research of the information flow of external pressure aimed at the formation of protest attitudes among Russian social media users. Currently, the activities of external actors in the network dimension are focused not so much on the launch of established scenarios of colour revolutions, but rather on the implementation of new hybrid schemes based on prolonged manipulative influence, implementation of a chain of special information and psychological operations, dissemination of fakes, incitement of social and ethnic discord, gradual soft deconsolidation and disorganisation of the state and society. The scientific problem is dictated by the types of contradictions that the basic provisions of the network and cognitive approaches are aimed at analysing and explaining. The research methodology is based on the general principles of social media predictive analytics and includes the use of cognitive mapping of digital content and automated social media analysis. Based on the results of the study, the authors draw conclusions about the basic characteristics of the information flow under study, describe the role of external network actors in the formation of protest attitudes of Russian social media users, and substantiate the political risks of the implementation of such activities.Keywords: protest attitudes; social media users; external information pressure; digital actors; network structures; information flows; social media; cognitive mapping; social media analysis