Definition Of Regional Politics And Its SubjectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 1. p.42-58read more265
The Resource Model Of Political StabilityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 2. p.7-14read more401
This article presents an applied model for assessing political stability in the regions of the Russian Federation that was periodically used in practice during the period 2011–2016. The model assumes that a dangerous (critical) violation of the regional equilibrium, which is identifiable with stability, is observed in cases when regional structures of executive power (represented by the head of the region and his administration) lose control over five key resources: administrative, legal, economic, social, information and interpersonal. On the basis of the model under examination, the author offers some recommendations for improving regional policy in modern Russia and optimizing the administrative techniques used by state authority.Keywords: regional policy; stability; political crisis; Russian politics
Step Forward: The Problem Of Worldview In Modern RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 3. p.7-23read more3662
This paper is a conceptual development of the study of worldview as a term and a social phenomenon. The work refers to the existing concepts of ‘worldview’ and its structure, reveals the actual features of the public and expert perception of related categories (‘ideology’, ‘myth’, ‘utopia’), and also suggests directions for the development of the existing academic discourse related to research in an extremely important problem field. The structure of the worldview is described through the pentabasis model, which makes it possible to build value connections between the elements of the worldview (‘person’, ‘ family’, ‘society’, ‘state’, ‘country’) and identify the principles that correspond to these value connections. The final part of the article describes the institutional framework of the pentabasis, which consists of a system of symbols, ideas, rules, practices and rituals. This approach outlines a possible direction for the development of the existing academic discourse and will allow further verification of fundamental hypotheses related to the key worldview guidelines of Russian society, its value matrix and the possible institutional framework of the latter. The pentabasis model can be in demand to formulate a proposals focused on applied public governance decisions.Keywords: worldview; Russian politics; ideology; sovereignty; symbolic politics