Digitalization Of The Contemporary Policy Space Under The Conditions Of Global Technological Transformations: Relevant Scholarly Approaches, Models, And ScenariosMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 2. p.46-57read more670
The article’s primary purpose was to identify relevant scientific approaches, models, and scenarios for digitalizing the space of contemporary policy. To solve the work tasks, we used discourse analysis, critical analysis and predictive scripting. According to the research results, the authors could identify the essential effects of current technological transformations that ensure the close interweaving of the traditional political space and the digital environment into a single digital space of politics, claiming to form an independent phygital socio-technical reality. Among the key areas of transformation of the space of traditional politics, we can include the intensive digital algorithmization of the socio-political sphere of the life of the modern state and society, the emergence of digital intellectual actants, as well as alternative subjects of digital politics, to which we primarily include global technology corporations. Based on the study results, the authors describe a scenario for forming hybrid state-technological regimes that combine the resources of political power, digital infrastructures and technologies into a single subject of socio-political governance of a new type.Keywords: digital space of politics; technological transformations; hybrid political actors; digital actants; phygital communications; socio-technical reality
New Socio-political Challenges to State Sovereignty in the Digital Age (Based on the Materials of an International Expert Study)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 6. p.31-57read more233
This study aims to determine the extent of the substantive nature of the dependence of contemporary state sovereignty on technological development in the field of artificial intelligence and neural network technologies, as well as to identify new socio-political challenges to Russia’s state sovereignty in the context of global digital technological transformations. As a methodological lens, the method of critical discourse analysis of thematic academic studies was chosen, as well as the method of expert interviews. This made it possible to more deeply reveal the substantive features of influence of artificial intelligence technologies and neural network algorithms’ development processes on the contemporary state sovereignty parameters. Based on the results of the study, by the aggregation of the results obtained, the authors concluded that a whole range of challenges to the sovereignty of the contemporary state related to technological development in the digital sphere has formed, as well as there is the high influence of digital technological development processes on the state sovereignty of Russia. The main challenge for our country is the thesis that a state unable to create independent and competitive technologies, products, and solutions in the digital sphere will inevitably be in direct technological dependence on other states, which directly affects the ability to provide its own sovereignty and independence.Keywords: state sovereignty; digital sovereignty; artificial intelligence; smart algorithms; digital transformation; technological challenges
Political ideologies in the context of digital technological transformationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. 2. p.7-26read more390
The purpose of the work is to identify the features of modern political ideologies associated with digital technological transformations. The remythologizing approach and L. Althusser’s refined approach to ideology are used as a methodological lens. Digital technology corporations are considered as specific intellectual ideological devices that form the conditions for digital transformations of most modern political ideologies. It was discovered that such a polyvalent phenomenon as the ideologization of the meme is becoming important in these changes. An analysis of cybercommunism, cyberlibertarianism, cyberanarchism, cyberfascism and neoreactionism led to the conclusion that the digital environment contributes to the remythologization of political consciousness, in which more flexible mythological constructs, rather than strict ideological dogmas, become popular. On the one hand, the key features of modern political ideologies that are changing under the influence of digital technological transformations are revealed, on the other hand, their similarity with classical ideological constructs is revealed. It is shown that all these ideologies consider digital media and technologies as tools for qualitative socio-political transformations in the future.Keywords: political ideology; digitalization; cybercommunism; cyberlibertarianism; cyberanarchism; cyberfascism; neoreactionism; digital transformation