Lomonosov Moscow State University
Foreign Academic Journals of Political Sciences: a General ReviewMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 5. p.88-128read more529
The article provides a general overview of the current state of the leading scientifi c journals in political science published in the post-Soviet countries (classifi ed by country), the United States of America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Special attention is paid to German-language political science journals. The characteristics of individual periodicals that play an important role in the development of political science and the dissemination of political science knowledge on a national, regional and global scale (in terms of the themes of publications, the circle of authors, publishers and target audience) are given. It contains information about regional databases (systems) that take into account the citation of scientific publications in periodicals.Keywords: political science; political research; scientific peer-reviewed journals; Asia; Europe; United States of America; Latin America
Comparative Political Science studies at the Faculty of Political Science of Moscow UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. 6.read more84