Evstafiev Dmitry Gennadievich
Modern Information Society and Global Security: The Dialectics of InteractionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 1. p.7-25read more943
Development of contemporary informational society embraces all the spheres of human social activities. The sphere of military-political interaction traditionally rested beyond the framework of mainstream in the communications system and included a number of specifi c rules, forms and rituals that served as a sort of guarantees from a destabilizing infl uence of propaganda upon foreign policy decision-making process. But the development of the technologies of integrated communications that are based upon the ability for unlimited transformation of a digitalized content together with the potential of instanteneous and nearly simultaneous impact upon the primary audiences, including decision-makers, creates a new model for the infi ltration and mutual infl uence information society and the sphere of international security. Now we witness active diff usion of the social and technological specifi cs of contemporary integrated communications into the areas of foreign policy and military-political interaction. This is an objective trend but in creates serious new challenges. And the results of their implementation are yet to be understood completely. But at this point it is already clear that their infl uence go far beyond classic propaganda and use of informational manipulation technologies in the military confl icts. A new socio-political phenomenon emerges and it has a potential to alter the specifi cs and algorithms of employment of the key institutes of international security.
Keywords: hybrid wars, communications, informational warfare, information society, armed confl icts, integrated communications, informational manipulations, deterrence
Post-Сovid World And Global Information Society Development: Perspective For Preservation Of Integrated GlobalityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 5. p.7-32read more4869
The modern information society that is based upon digital integrated communications was transformed in recent years by current global political and economic trends into the central element the system of the globalization that provides for its preservation as an important factor at least at the level of philosophical and civilizational identity and perspective. But informational society provides for development of globalization at the practical level by creating conditions for stable functioning of the critical branches of global economy (global finances) and spheres of social development (socio-cultural communications). But the informational society is itself the object of pressure from within and outside that is a product of contradictions emerged as the result of system’s development as well as the result of competition of the major global and sub-global players. Under the conditions of the emerging crisis of globalization these trends convert the information society into the major element of the interstate competition but not only on the level of propaganda but also in the spheres that directly affect the major elements of the development of the post-global architecture of the world. The major issue in this regard is the prognosis of the major directions of development of the global informational society and clarification of the major point of localized bifurcation in its development but what is most important — is the answer to the question whether the preservation of the integrated information society as a global and post-spacial phenomenon is possible in principle.Keywords: information society; globalization,; digital communications; management of the informational environment; state informational sovereignty