Karateev Artеm Yurсvich
"Fundamentals Of Belarusian State Ideology": Approaches To Political SocializationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 3. p.114-123read more301
On the Relationship between Economic and Political Freedom: Quantitative Analysis of the Correlation between the Index of Economic Freedom and the Democracy IndexMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 4. p.73-90read more813
The question of the ratio of economic and political freedom is considered in this article through the analysis of the actual values of the Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) and the Democracy Index (DI) for 162 countries. Despite the rather high correlation of both indices, the study reveals a signifi cant degree of their variability: there are enough countries that do not quite fi t into the expected model “countries with a high IEF have a high DI, and countries with low IEF — a low DI.” In countries with equivalent IEF values, the values of the DI can vary 2-3 times; likewise, countries with the same DI can vary signifi cantly in IEF. In practice, it is clear that economic freedom does not always require political freedom (United Arab Emirates), and political freedom can be realized in conditions of limited economic freedom (India). A country’s ability to deviate from the expected global trend line is infl uenced by the size of the population and the size of the territory. Among countries that deviate signifi cantly from the trend, a signifi cant proportion are countries with small populations and small territories. As an alternative to the traditional method of analysis, the article proposes an approach that takes into account the size of the population of countries and is based on the recognition that the subject of political and economic freedoms is not a country, but an individual. This approach shows that only 11 % of the population lives in “ free” countries, and the relationship between economic and political freedoms is less obvious than one would expect in theory.
Keywords: economic freedom, political freedom, Index of Economic Freedom, Democracy Index, cross-country analysis, population, territory, quantitative analysis
Severity Of The Covid-19 Pandemic, Stringency Of Restrictive Measures And Institutional Characteristics Of The Countries In The World: Approaches To Quantitative AnalysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 2. p.58-82read more418
Based on empirical quantitative data, the article examines the relationship between the severity of the epidemiological situation in a particular country (1), the stringency of protective and restrictive measures imposed by the government (2), and the institutional characteristics of the country (including the quality of healthcare, management, the level of public confidence in the government, value orientations, etc.), which determine the specifics of the application of measures and their effectiveness (3). As a result, with the help of the index of the severity of the epidemiological situation, institutional characteristics were identified that most affect the effectiveness of the measures applied and, if possible, allow combining the relatively easy passage of the pandemic with relatively lax measures. Based on statistical indicators, practical recommendations have been developed aimed at reducing the severity of the epidemiological situation and reducing the severity of measures.Keywords: COVID-19; pandemic; restrictive measures; Stringency Index; institutional characteristics; public administration