Chikharev Ivan Alexandrovich
National security, Russian interests and modern civilizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 1999. 4. p.88-96read more85
Chronopolitika: towards Understanding the Transformation in World PoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2004. 3. p.47-58read more93
Chionopolitics In The Political Science Of Xx-xxi CenturyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2005. 4. p.64-78read more245
World Policy As Scientific Discipline: Problems Of The FormationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2007. 2. p.84-96read more277
Fundamentals Of The General Theory Of International RelationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2009. 6. p.94-101read more212
Neoclassical Realism: Touching The Problem Of Correlation Between The Variables At Global And Nation-state Levels In The Formation Of The Foreign PolicyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2010. 1. p.50-66read more368
Individual Level Of International Security Analysis: New Theoretical ApproachesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2010. 4. p.16-20read more258
The Concept And Basic Concepts Of Multilevel Governance In The World Political DiscourseMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 5. p.3-16read more316
Value Perspectives Of Russian Foreign PolicyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2012. 3. p.111-114read more241
On The Correlation Of "soft Power" And "intelligent Power" Strategies In World PoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2013. 5. p.26-43read more326
Panel Discussion: "problems Of Global Politics In The Context Of The Crisis Of Civilization"Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 1. p.116-121read more288
Political Professions And Educational Standards: The Russian ExperienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 1. p.66-76read more340
This review examines the problems and prospects for the development of the national system of educational training for political professionals in the context of the transformation of the Russian market of political activity. The study examines the logic of the main stages, the factors of the evolution of educational training for professionals working in the political sphere, then analyzes the conformity of the content of educational standards and programs in the field of political science and related areas to the changing demands of the national market of political professions. Attention is paid to the consideration of significant domestic conceptual developments that characterize the key niches of relevant labor activity in the innovative process of the Russian market of political professions, and to analysis of the socio-political context of the transformation of the activities of political specialists in the country. The authors identify, problematize and systematically characterize the tendency of increasing the practical orientation of the national system of political science education, its gradual approach to the requirements of the labor market and the demands of the state and society at the current turbulent stage of Russia’s development.Keywords: political science; national educational standards; political education; political professions
Migration Processes in the Mediterranean Region: the Italian ContextMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 5. p.90-109read more936
This article analyzes the specifi cs and causes of migration processes in the era of globalization. Attention is focused on the eff ect of the introduction of digital technologies that allow modern immigrants to gain detailed information about the recipient country in advance as well as constantly maintain ties with the Diaspora. The application of the systemic method by the authors makes it possible to form not only a holistic view of migration movements in the Mediterranean, but also to reveal the specifi city of the example of Italy. The ambiguity and even concern in the perception of immigrants in the Italian environment is emphasized. Attention is focused on the formation of a rather negative image in the media of an immigrant, who is viewed as a competitor in the economic sphere, as an additional burden in the social sphere, as a potential lawbreaker in the legal sphere and as a “destroyer” of traditions in the realm of things spiritual. The features of the ascent to power of right-wing populists on the wave of antiimmigration rhetoric are likewise analyzed. The article states that Islam in Italy is the second religion. The necessity of legal regulation of the situation of Islam in the country, in order to maintain stability and ensure the security of the state, society and the individual, is particularly underscored The authors note that only joint eff orts by the state and civil society along with interreligious dialogue can condition the integration of migrants (in this case, Muslims) into the host community.
Keywords: migration process, the Mediterranean region, Italy, populism, Islam, dialogue, security
Hybrid Warfare: On the Problem of Interpretation in Political ScienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 5. p.68-84read more1232
The article attempts to make a conceptual interpretation of the hybrid war phenomenon integrating it in the broader fi eld of political science. The authors consistently separate scientifi c and non-scientifi c interpretations of the phenomenon, define various disciplinary frameworks for its interpretation and analyze contemporary literature on the topic. Based on the historical and comparative analysis of diff erent cases of hybrid war through the lens of discourse analysis, the article provides a defi nition of the notion putting it in relationship with concepts of conventional war, smart power, “legal” and “political war.” As a result, hybrid war is defi ned as a combination of concrete military action and other tools able to infl uence political institutions, regimes and processes. Thus, hybrid war as a political phenomenon is part of the (geo)political strategy of an actor and consequently a conscious and goal-oriented action. Furthermore, the article notes that taking into consideration that communication is a system forming process in modern politics, the interpretation of hybrid warfare must look at the role of information and communication as key components of the concept. In fact, it is exactly the domination over the realm of information which determines the specifi cs of the modern confl ict as it appears more and more important not the victory as such, but rather how it is communicated and presented in the information fi eld. In turn, the infl uence on information processes is carried out through political technologies and refl ection management.
Keywords: hybrid warfare, conceptual interpretation, history of hybrid confl icts, political war, legal warfare, smart power