Belov Sergey Igorevich
Problematic Aspects of the Development of Russian Politics of Memory: A Summary of Expert OpinionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 1. p.107-119read more957
This study is devoted to problematic aspects in the implementation of the Russian politics of memory. The methodological basis of the work is a descriptive analysis of expert interviews. The eff ectiveness of the politics of memory is evaluated by the experts from a pragmatic point of view: its main tasks are seen as the creation of a positive Russian image in the domestic and foreign policy arenas; the formation and strengthening of nation-state identity; and the consolidation of Russian society. Attempts to use politics of memory as an instrument for settling international relations via concessions are assessed negatively by the experts. The building of a national politics of memory is assumed solely on the basis of the “memory of the winners.” An appeal to a discourse on “the memory of the vanquished” is seen as a destructive approach fraught with serious political risks. Among the latter are the erosion of Russian identity; the particularization of society; the growth of social anomie; and an increase in the infl uence of political and religious radicals. The article further emphasizes the principal “sore points” of Russian politics of memory: its opportunistic nature; the controversial, complex nature of the content side; a disregard for foreign experience; and the presence of outdated elements among the tools for infl uencing the target audience. Another problem is the presence in Russian mass culture of such patterns as the theme of the hero’s victory “in spite of the system” and the physical and moral anti-esthetics in demonstrations of “our own” [svoi] being passed off as realism.
Keywords: politics of memory, war memory, political myth
The Relationship of the Concepts ‘Political Myth’ and ‘Historical Myth’Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 3. p.39-48read more884
The purpose of this article is to clarify the term “historical myth” and to defi ne its relation to the notion of “political myth.” The goals of the research are to determine the content of the concept “historical myth,” to understand the essence of the concept “political myth” and to compare the meanings of the two terms. The author uses traditional and typological analysis, and also applies the method of expert interview. The article argues the position that the historical myth is a particular form of the myth of the political. Accordingly, the historical myth initially represents an artifi cially constructed form of perception of the world, based on an appeal to the sphere of emotions and aimed at manipulating the public consciousness. At the same time, it has the property of acquiring autonomy over time, infl uencing its own creators. The specifi c factor diff erentiating the historical myth is that it is constructed with the help of historical facts and changes the perception of reality by changing the model of perception of events of the past.
Keywords: political myth, historical myth, manipulative technologies, symbolic policy, memorial policy
Video Games with a Historical Plot: A Factor of Formation and Erosion of Ingroup Favoritism of the Russian PopulationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 3. p.35-47read more1258
The article analyses the use of video games with a historical plot to develop or erode the ingroup favoritism of the Russian population and its national and state identity. The methodology of the work is based on a combination of elements of comparative and structural analysis with the analysis of the secondary sociological research literature. Collecting and analysing data from recent opinion polls, the author proves that in the current situation the image of the present, the future and “significant others” do not represent the source of the development of ingroup favoritism among Russian youth, a fact that in the long run threatens the stability of identity of citizens of the Russian Federation. Although the results of the opinion polls indicate the possibility of exploiting the image of the past in order to develop ingroup favoritism, the younger generation demonstrates a rejection of traditional forms of narratives of memories. Accordingly, video games seem to be the most promising resource for constructing the image of the past. However, from a commercial point of view, the implementation of these projects is fraught with high risks, indicating the need for state intervention and support. The article suggests that in intervening in this sector the state should take into account the shortcomings identified in the system of state sponsorship of commercial filmmaking industry, as one of the closest sectors capable of forming a positive national-state identity.Keywords: national-state identity; Russians; youth; video games; politics of memory; politics of identity; ingroup favoritism
Images Of Soldiers And Officers Of The Red Army In American Propaganda In 1943–1945Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 1. p.79-99read more454
During the war years, the creation of an image of an ally or enemy could take place through a rich range of forms and methods: publishing pamphlets, holding traveling exhibitions and concerts, showing films, giving lectures, and making media appearances.
This article is an attempt to describe the image of Red Army soldiers and officers in 1943–1945, which was formed by means of cinematography and a memo for soldiers of the contingent of troops stationed in Europe, published on the eve of the meeting on the Elbe.
In the article, the authors come to the conclusion that the symbolic policy in the United States during the period under review was reoriented towards the formation of new ideas about the USSR and Soviet citizens. Negative cliches gave way to positive images of reliable allies in the fight against Nazi Germany. At the same time, the principle of identification was actively used: the citizens of the Soviet Union and their way of life were positioned in terms of focusing on similarities with the patterns of American culture.Keywords: USSR; U.S.; World War II; propaganda; image of the alien