Berglund Sten
In the EU and NATO but Close to Russia — Post- Crimean Sentiment in Bulgaria and HungaryMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 2. p.71-96read more710
This article is devoted to the study of the attitude of the inhabitants of Bulgaria and Hungary to Russia and Russian politics after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and in the context of Russian-Ukrainian confl ict relations. The authors of the article note that today in the Bulgarian and Hungarian societies there is a split of public opinion into Pro-Western and Pro-Russian camps. Using the method of regression analysis, the authors demonstrate that such a split has its own specifi cs in both countries. It is most signifi cantly manifested in the political life of Bulgaria, where the division East / West structures the party and political system of the country. The article highlights the geopolitical orientation and support of President Vladimir Putin as the key factors infl uencing the “post-Crimean” attitude of Bulgarians and Hungarians to Russia.
Keywords: Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Crimea, European Union, geopolitics, Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Alliance), Bulgarian Socialist Party, Vladimir Putin