Zinenko Victoria Evgenievna
Features of the Formation of Political Subjectivity among Modern Russian YouthMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 6. p.98-108read more941
This article presents an analysis of the process of formation of political subjectivity in modern Russian youth. At the beginning of the 21st century, under conditions of economic growth and the expansion of democratic freedoms, the political subjectivity of young people has becomes a topic of urgent public discourse. The desire of the Russian state to be an independent player in the international arena has led to a need to strengthen trust between the government and society. Building a constructive dialogue between the state and youth implies considering the younger generation as a signifi cant subject of socio-political relations. As a result of this analysis, the author concludes that the country has created appropriate mechanisms for constructive interaction between the authorities and young people, but due to changes in socio-political reality, they require regular modernization. Accordingly, the process of forming the political subjectivity of modern Russian youth is changing.
Keywords: young generation, power, subjectivity, political subjectivity, political consciousness, political action, socio-political participation