Demchuk Arthur Leonovich
The General Election of 2019 in Canada: Results and ConclusionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 2. p.52-60read more926
Paradoxically both leading parties of Canada — Liberal and Conservative — can consider themselves “winners” in the 43rd Canadian general election: the Liberals remained the ruling party, while the Conservatives signifi cantly increased their representation in the House of Commons. At the same time, almost all parties in Canada feel like losers, as no one has fully achieved their goals. The 2019 election showed a continuing (if not intensifying) rift and confrontation between the eastern provinces that vote mostly for Liberals (along with British Columbia), and predominantly Conservative-supporting western Canada. The 2019 election again brought to the forefront of public debate the question of the principles of Canada’s electoral system — single-member plurality voting (“first-past-the-post”), now almost 150 years in use — and the prospects for reforming it to refl ect greater proportionality. It can be assumed that the elections of 2019 in Canada will be followed by a rather long “respite,” during which the Liberal minority government will be forced to cooperate with the offi cial opposition and with other political parties to pass the necessary bills. It will take a long time for the Сonservative Party to mobilize its forces in order to more successfully challenge the ruling Liberals in the next election.
Keywords: Canada; general election; House of Commons; minority government; electoral system; Liberal Party; Conservative Party; New Democratic Party
Managing Environmental Confl icts through Mediation: Opportunities and LimitationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 6. p.7-28read more902
This article analyzes the theory and practice of using mediation technologies for managing (resolving) modern environmental confl icts. The main characteristics of mediation, the necessary conditions for its application, types of mediation, and the diff erences between environmental mediation and other types of mediation are highlighted. Using various examples of mediation in environmental confl icts in the United States since the 1970s, the author examines the principles of choosing a mediator, the mediator’s role in the confl ict resolution process, the advantages and disadvantages of using mediation from the point of view of various participants in environmental confl icts, the political aspects of using mediation to resolve environmental confl icts and its possibilities and limitations.
Keywords: confl ict, environmental confl icts, confl ict management, mediation, consensus
Social-Politic Transformations On The Post-socialistic Area: "Round Table" Of Russian And Polish ScientistsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2005. 2. p.3-110read more217
Ecological Conflicts: Nature, Types, Ways Of The AdjustingMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2007. 2. p.64-71read more299
Old And New Problems Of NeocorporatismMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 1. p.38-50read more446
This article analyzes three problem groups: problems of neo-corporatism — both “classical” (the erosion of stable classes and groups and the transition of social practices to the meso-level) and new ones that have emerged in the 21st century; problems of the further fragmentation of consensual practices; and the complications of consensus-building in the context of fairly closed and non-public real management structures and the erosion of stable social strata. The article addresses different political science approaches to solving socio-economic problems within the neo-corporatist framework as well as socio-psychological arguments — in particular those related to specifi cities of contemporary political behavior and political differentiation — that also demonstrate the diffi culty of a neo-corporate model. The author points to some drawbacks of description and of prescriptions for the development of Russian neo-corporatism that exist in Russian scholarship owing to the lack of attention to new problems of neo-corporatism and to an orientation toward European corporativist practices of the beginning of 1990s.Keywords: neocorporatism; consensus; macro-corporatism; meso-corporatism
Foreign Academic Journals of Political Sciences: a General ReviewMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 5. p.88-128read more530
The article provides a general overview of the current state of the leading scientifi c journals in political science published in the post-Soviet countries (classifi ed by country), the United States of America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Special attention is paid to German-language political science journals. The characteristics of individual periodicals that play an important role in the development of political science and the dissemination of political science knowledge on a national, regional and global scale (in terms of the themes of publications, the circle of authors, publishers and target audience) are given. It contains information about regional databases (systems) that take into account the citation of scientific publications in periodicals.Keywords: political science; political research; scientific peer-reviewed journals; Asia; Europe; United States of America; Latin America
Severity Of The Covid-19 Pandemic, Stringency Of Restrictive Measures And Institutional Characteristics Of The Countries In The World: Approaches To Quantitative AnalysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 2. p.58-82read more418
Based on empirical quantitative data, the article examines the relationship between the severity of the epidemiological situation in a particular country (1), the stringency of protective and restrictive measures imposed by the government (2), and the institutional characteristics of the country (including the quality of healthcare, management, the level of public confidence in the government, value orientations, etc.), which determine the specifics of the application of measures and their effectiveness (3). As a result, with the help of the index of the severity of the epidemiological situation, institutional characteristics were identified that most affect the effectiveness of the measures applied and, if possible, allow combining the relatively easy passage of the pandemic with relatively lax measures. Based on statistical indicators, practical recommendations have been developed aimed at reducing the severity of the epidemiological situation and reducing the severity of measures.Keywords: COVID-19; pandemic; restrictive measures; Stringency Index; institutional characteristics; public administration
Comparative Political Science studies at the Faculty of Political Science of Moscow UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. more84