Bronnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Civic Activism in Network CommunitiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 1. p.7-18read more1479
This article examines the increasing infl uence of real practices of civic activism in online communities on the specifi cs of incorporating civic activists’ projects into the political agenda. The institutionalization of network civic activism in recent years 8 has made it possible to implement network practices into political reality, moving them to a new level of infl uence thanks to the construction of numerous inclusive horizontal connections. The fact is that global changes in the post-information society have contributed to a steady “deliverance” from communications monopolies, creating a delicate balance of state interests and the interests of society and the individual. The fi rst part of the article shows that current network communities are not a shapeless mass but clearly structured by horizontal non-hierarchical ties. The information and communication abundance of today allows actors to eff ectively apply individual and collective actions in implementing political and non-political activities. According to the author, civic activity is capable of forming important vectors of socio-political development; grass-roots mobilization of citizens is a coordinating tool of civil society and is contributing to the slow transformation of the political system in Russia.
Keywords: social media; network society; network civic activism; civic participation
The Information Society: Recent Trends And ProspectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 6. p.7-26read more383
This article discusses the main criteria and attributes of the modern information society. In the fi rst part of the article the author shows that the dynamics of social changes increase after the acceleration of technological progress; in the most dynamically developing information societies, moreover, characteristic phases of conceptualization, institutionalization and implementation can be identifi ed. We are on the threshold of an innovation avalanche, the author continues, which will increasingly infl uence the political process, public administration and socio-political activities. In this connection, seven major megatrends and technological drivers will set the further direction of the development of the information society and the fourth industrial revolution. On the one hand, these megatrends still seem abstract and “piecemeal.” On the other hand, they become the basis for practical applications and developments, attracting signifi cant investments. For example, once such innovations as photography, the telephone, television were also exclusive and accessible to a limited number of people; but eventually the cheapening of technologies contributed to their ubiquitous and large-scale distribution. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of the information society in part brings about a kind of political program that aff ects both national states and the entire world community.Keywords: information society; post-informational society; information and communication technologies; Internet; innovations; megatrends
Protest Potential of Self-Organization among Russian Citizens in the Context of the Formation of New Institutions and Media StructuresMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 5. p.23-35read more1129
The article presents an analysis of the protest potential of self-organization among citizens in the context of the emergence of new social and technological opportunities provided by modern media structures and institutions. The analysis of the potential for protest of Russian citizens rests on the hypothesis that various network-based communication methods, hand in hand with specifi c internal and external factors, can result in a “gathering” and “conversion” of the public energy into virtual or real protest potential. Based on the case studies of public protests against the unifi cation of the Nenets Autonomous district with the Arkhangelsk region, local actions against the development of Shikhan Kushtau and a series of online rallies as new forms of civil activism, the authors partially confi rm their hypothesis. More broadly, the article analyses the existence of a “communication gap” between the government and society, the shift of the “energy” of the protest potential in Russian society to new online platforms. Finally, the authors refl ect on the general problem of identifying and solving a number of hidden “social issues” that can constitute the bedrock of online protests in the future. The methodological basis of the research relies on conceptual provisions developed within the framework of the theory of communication by C. Shirky, A.I. Solovyov, M.N. Grachev, and M.D. Rich. In particular, the theoretical framework provides tools to interpret causes, mechanisms, and consequences of network-based involvement of citizens in protest actions of various types and levels.
Keywords: protest potential, self-organized citizens, grassroots civic initiatives, information institutions, media structures, socio-economic problems
National Features of the Russian Political Process in the Context of Deep MediatizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 6. p.81-99read more230
The article is devoted to the consideration of the national features of the Russian political process in the context of deep mediatization, in which socio-political actors are embedded in digital infrastructures belonging to global Internet companies with their own political and legal subjectivity, as well as significant resources of influence. Understanding deep mediatization as a new stage of mediatization, during which digital media and the underlying infrastructures penetrate into all elements of public life, the authors study the current situation of global Internet companies in Russia as new subjects of political influence in the context of deep mediatization and identify problem issues associated with the regulation of their activities. With the help of content analysis, messages concerning the activities of global Internet companies were studied and problematic aspects of regulating their activities in Russia were identified. The comparative analysis revealed a shift in accents in the interaction of state authorities of the Russian Federation and global Internet companies in the context of deep mediatization and the current political situation. As a result of the study, the authors identify a number of interrelated trends describing the national features of the Russian political process in the context of deep mediatization, and also highlight the prospects for the evolution of the situation.Keywords: deep mediatization; political mediatization; digital platforms; media corporations; political process