ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Information Society: Recent Trends And Prospects

The Information Society: Recent Trends And Prospects


This article discusses the main criteria and attributes of the modern information society. In the fi rst part of the article the author shows that the dynamics of social changes increase after the acceleration of technological progress; in the most dynamically developing information societies, moreover, characteristic phases of conceptualization, institutionalization and implementation can be identifi ed. We are on the threshold of an innovation avalanche, the author continues, which will increasingly infl uence the political process, public administration and socio-political activities. In this connection, seven major megatrends and technological drivers will set the further direction of the development of the information society and the fourth industrial revolution. On the one hand, these megatrends still seem abstract and “piecemeal.” On the other hand, they become the basis for practical applications and developments, attracting signifi cant investments. For example, once such innovations as photography, the telephone, television were also exclusive and accessible to a limited number of people; but eventually the cheapening of technologies contributed to their ubiquitous and large-scale distribution. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of the information society in part brings about a kind of political program that aff ects both national states and the entire world community.


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Keywords: information society; post-informational society; information and communication technologies; Internet; innovations; megatrends

Available in the on-line version with: 15.12.2017

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Number 6, 2017