ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Collapse Of The Soviet Union As A Subject Of Memory Politics: Party Actors And Their Narratives

The Collapse Of The Soviet Union As A Subject Of Memory Politics: Party Actors And Their Narratives


The article defines the specifics of the actor approach in the context of the study of memory policy, and also analyzes the specifics of political parties as mnemonic actors. The collapse of the Soviet Union is used as a historical event demonstrating the difference between the symbolic trajectories of political parties. Based on an analysis of party election programs, the dynamics of ideas about the collapse of the Soviet Union among the parliamentary parties of the VIII convocation was analyzed. The LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation turned out to be the most active in terms of the implementation of the memory policy, while the rest of the parties showed a weak interest in updating and interpreting the collapse of the Soviet Union as an element of the party’s memory policy. Such differences may be related to the desire of parties to increase their political status by including their own history in a more significant political context, so those parties that arose in the 2000s are not interested in the symbolic use and appropriation of images of the Soviet past. In addition, it is worth considering generational changes in party elites, due to which the traumaticity of perception of the collapse of the Soviet Union gradually decreases as changes in the composition of governing bodies.


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Keywords: mnemonic actor; memory policy; political party; program; disintegration; USSR

Available in the on-line version with: 15.12.2022

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Number 6, 2022