Sanctions As One Of Directions Of Us Strategy In The Current Political Crisis In Bolivarian Republic Of VenezuelaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 5. p.55-69read more437
The article is devoted to implementation of the USA such as the instrument of foreign policy as sanctions against Venezuela during current political and economic crisis in Venezuela. The Author analyzes in details objectives of sanctions and their types’ classification. The issue about legitimacy of sanctions is a serious problem in international relations. Complex US sanctions program against Venezuela in the period from 2014 to 2021 is examined in the article. Restrictive measures implemented by the USA are divided on individual and sectoral. Real limitations include: the prohibition of the entry into the USA of certain individuals associated with the regime of the President N. Maduro regime; freezing financial assets and property of individuals and entities associated with Venezuelan Government; the prohibition to purchase national debts and securities of Venezuela, transactions related to any dealings in digital currency of Venezuela by American citizens; termination of business relationship with Venezuelan entities of oil and gas sector and gold-mining sector. The author concludes that US large-scale sanction policy led to aggravate political and economic situation within Latin American State, exacerbate already difficult humanitarian situation in Venezuela. However US establishment couldn’t reach its primary goal — overthrow N. Maduro’s regime and coming to power pro-American government.Keywords: sanctions; the USA; Venezuela; humanitarian and economic crisis; N. Maduro; threats; legitimacy of economic sanctions