Political And Psychological Characteristics Of The Russian Youth Political LeadersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 4. p.61-72read more491
The article presents the results of a study of the political and psychologica characteristics of youth political leaders as a special group in the structure of the modern Russian political class. The research sample includes more than 60 subjects corresponding to the category of ‘youth political leader’ by age and by the specifics of their career trajectory (having experience of participating in youth projects before “entering” the political class). The variability of the values of the studied features made it possible to draw conclusions about the typical characteristics of youth political leadership in modern Russia as a special phenomenon providing for the normativity of certain ideas and attitudes related to the subject’s attitude to politics, the current public agenda and the perception of their place and role in the political system. Thus, as a result of the study, a collective political and psychological profile of youth political leaders as a specific social group has been compiled.Keywords: youth; political leadership; youth political leadership; political and psychological profile; motivation; values; cognitive complexity