Reflections On The Chinese Path In The Context Of The Centennial Of The Russian Revolution Of 1917Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 6. p.60-69read more346
Russia’s October revolution of 1917 was of great importance in the history of the Chinese revolution. It was under the infl uence of the October revolution that the Chinese revolution took the path of socialism. The practice of the Chinese revolution has shown that the vector of socialist modernization designated by the October revolution is consistent with the development needs of Chinese society. Today, China’s development will not stray from this path, for which the Communist party of China fought and fi ghts, despite blood and sacrifi ce. At the same time, the country does not refuse to renew the theory and practice of socialist modernization, which in China is characterized by political, economic, cultural and ideological features. The path of socialism with Chinese specifi cs is the path that the Chinese people embarked on in the practice of reform and openness.Keywords: October revolution of 1917; the Chinese