Analysys Of Aproaches To Energy Security Studies In Political RealismMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 5. p.7-20read more365
The article analyzes different theoretical approaches in energy security studies within the theory of political realism/neo-realism. The author notes that the modern trends in realism (offensive, defensive, neoclassical) expand the understanding of energy security from the point of view of a state’s foreign policy and have a number of advantages in assessment of common problems of the national and international security. For political realism material resources are at the same time both the purpose, and the means instrument of expansion of power of the state. Energy resources create an opportunity for a sate to expand its power, sphere of influence, to strengthen its financial and economic potential. In the article it is emphasized that representatives of neo-realism argue that the existing high dependence in world economy on oil and gas is connected with risks of violence. Armed conflicts and collisions doesn’t stop also at the local level when military aspects of energy security are determined by struggle for the rent received from export of energy resource. At the same time these modern neo-realist trends limit ours comprehension of a state behavior and behavior of other actors on the international scene.
Keywords: energy security; international security; energy recourses; state; national interests
An Analysys Of Energy Security From The Point Of The Liberal Paradigm Of The Аnglo-saxon School Of International Relations TheoryMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 6. p.27-42read more417
This article analyzes theoretical approaches in energy security studies within the liberal paradigm of international relations theory. The author notes that the current content of various theoretical trends in the liberal/neoliberal paradigm of the Anglo-Saxon school gives a new understanding of energy security and has a number of advantages relative to the realistic school of international relations analysis.
In the liberal approach, three aspects can be identifi ed that determine the analysis of energy security: the importance and impact of international energy markets in determining the demand, supply, price and stability of hydrocarbon resources; analysis of energy security in terms of development and decision-making; and the impact of international institutions on international security. The article emphasizes that representatives of liberal policy directions consider the free energy market one of the key conditions for maintaining stable and sustainable relations between exporting and importing countries. At the same time, neo-liberal approaches limit perceptions of the causes of resource confl icts, and liberal market relations lead to corruption in states where governance is weak, sustainable democratic institutions are lacking, and natural resources are the only source of income.Keywords: energy security; international relations; energy recourses; international cooperation; free market; corruption