The Factor Of Informational Influence In Political ConflictsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 4. p.64-67read more370
This article analyzes the role of the infl uence of information media in political confl icts. The author emphasizes that the infl uence of the media and “new media” on these confl icts is signifi cant: any political confl ict, regardless of its scale or the composition of its participant group, is inscribed in a specifi c information context. The struggle for power of the parties to the confl ict is always accompanied by an information war, the conduct of which is impossible without the intermediary and transfer functions of the mass media. The author concludes that in contemporary confl icts, the mass media and “new media” act simultaneously as a special subject: an instrument and a channel for confl ict interaction.Keywords: mass media; new media; media influence; political conflict; political process; manipulation; information warfare