India’s Economic Relations With The Usa And Its Allies In The Field Of Nuclear EnergyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 4. p.52-63read more343
The unblocking of the India-U.S. nuclear deal following President Barack Obama’s offi cial visit to New Delhi in January 2015 paved the way for bringing to fruition earlier nuclear agreements and helped to overcome a temporary cool-down in bilateral relations. This article discusses the pace of India-U.S. nuclear talks and the negotiation positions of all the parties concerned. The author analyzes the prospects of American private companies Westinghouse and General Electric-Hitachi of entering India’s nuclear market and evaluates potential avenues India might opt for in expanding nuclear cooperation with U.S. allies (Australia, Canada, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom) and other states (Argentina, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) in the fi eld of uranium fuel and nuclear power equipment purchases.Keywords: India’s nuclear energy; India-U.S. nuclear deal; NPCIL; Westinghouse; General Electric-Hitachi