Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.V. Rozanov As A Political Thinker: A Portrait At The Epochs BackgroundMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2012. 2. p.104-109read more266
Peter I As A Political Thinker: Traditional Values And Ideological InnovationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 3. p.50-73read more630
The reign of Tsar Peter I Alekseevich is a special period in Russian history. Undoubtedly, the reforms of Peter I became the most important stage in the history of Russia. Peter the Great is one of the few Russian sovereigns who officially spoke about his political ideology, and at the legislative level presented a detailed explanation of the tasks he set for the country. The laws, written personally by Peter I or prepared with his direct participation, represented a kind of project of the future structure of the Russian state, the fundamental principles of the new establishment of all areas of life of Russian society. It is in his legislation that Peter the Great fully appears as an interesting political thinker who, based on ancient political traditions, introduced ideological innovations into the political life of the country.Keywords: emperor Peter I; political ideology; Peter’s reforms; legislation of Peter I; the theory of “common good”; “the benefit of the Fatherland”; cameralism; rationalism; bureaucracy; traditionalism
Axiological Foundations of Russian Civilization: The Concept of ‘Sovereignty’ in the Ideological and Political Discourse of the 19th CenturyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 5. p.97-120read more185
The article analyzes the concept of “sovereignty” as a value category in the socio-political discourse of the 19th century. The modern understanding of sovereignty in the 19th century corresponds to the concepts of “independence”, “autocracy”, “originality”, etc. Nine major semantic blocks have been identified, which reflect various aspects and nuances of the conceptual understanding of sovereignty in Russia in the 19th century. The analysis of the sources was carried out on the basis of the search base of the National Corpus of the Russian Language, while in total more than 4600 texts created in 1801–1900 were studied. As a result of content analysis and political-textual analysis of more than 4,600 texts created in 1801–1900, it was found that for Russian intellectual thought of the 19th century ideas about independence, identity, freedom, harmony, security, cultural and economic independence, autocracy and Orthodoxy constitute an ideological and value complex directly related to ideas about state sovereignty.Keywords: sovereignty; independence; autocracy; consent; axiological foundations; Russian statehood; Russian civilization