Konkov Aleksander Evgenievich

Konkov A.E.
Personal page: Kandidat of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Political Analysis Programme, Department of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Leninskie Gory 1, 119991 Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: KonkovAE@spa.msu.ru
Emerging Latent Policy Mechanisms in Conditions of Expanding Public SpaceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 4. p.22-37read more884
The article analyses problems of identification and analysis of latent mechanisms of state policy in conditions of expanding public sphere as a product of contemporary tendencies of openness and accountability. State policy-making and policy-implementation as elements of the broader process of decision-making that requires specific approaches to collecting, processing and disseminating information, are challenged by growing demands from the civil society for a more public and open responsiveness of state authorities. This expanding public debate, however, is increasingly instrumentalized by political actors to achieve their own latent goals, not always in line with national interests. As a consequence, by expanding the space for political communication contemporary digital technologies not only enlarge the field for social interaction, but also make it more sophisticated filling it with more forms and content, thus increasing incidental sounds and communication barriers. Indeed, the apparent development of the public sphere lays the foundation for the transformation of latent political mechanisms, which by relying on new communicational opportunities become more flexible and efficient.Keywords: latency; latent mechanisms; state policy; public policy; publicity; digitalization; crypto-governance