Jawahar Bhagwat
The Policy of Development of International Shipping Routes: Applying the Foreign Experience to the Russian Northern Sea RouteMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 2. p.86-101read more791
The article presents a comparative analysis of the features of foreign transport policy taking into account the examples of the development of the Suez and Panama Canals, the results of which can be used for further research and practical application in the formation of Russia's transport policy for the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The author applies comparative research methods, which first identifies the general and individual elements of the transport policy for the development of international waterways of foreign countries and then analyzes the features of the development, implementation, execution, and effectiveness of these elements in the corresponding transport route. The purpose of the work is to emphasize the importance of the international experience of developing the policy of international shipping routes as an analytical starting point in the formation of the transport policy of Russia (NSR). The methodology of the study of transport policy for the development of international shipping routes is based on a systematic and structural-functional analysis that helps to establish and apply the positive experience of international transport policies to the Russian case. The empirical analysis is based on the comparison of policies for the development of navigation on the Suez and Panama Canals from their inception. The specific methodological and empirical approach allows the author to formulate the hypothesis and explore the opportunity of the application of these cases to Russia. The article concludes that the highlighted characteristics of the transport policy of the Suez and Panama Canals should be used in the implementation of the Russian NSR policy, taking into account the designated tasks of the strategic development of the Arctic.Keywords: transport policy; Northern Sea Route; Suez Canal; Panama Canal; public administration