Proroković Dušan
The Concept of Russian Malign Infl uence: A Western Attempt to Portray Russia as an EnemyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 2. p.72-85read more862
The concept of ‘Russian malign activities’ is often used both in public speeches by many Western officials and in discussions within government bodies, but it remains not clearly defined. The first section of this article provides a definition and a general meaning of the concept while the second presents the overview of two approaches used to describe this phenomenon in its application to the Russian case. Indeed, according to the first approach, “Russian malign activities” are integrated into a developed plan of measures for the dissemination of certain information or disinformation with the final objective to increase the international clout of the Russian Federation. The second approach looks at these “malign activities” as a part of the hybrid war waged by Russia, primarily against NATO countries. Finally, the third section of the article analyses the origin and possible explanations for the widespread diffusion of the speculations about “Russian malign activities.” The article argues that the idea of “Russian malign activities” is broadcasted primarily through the United States and Great Britain with the aim of portraying Russia as an enemy and consequently to delegitimize all of its activities, especially within the informational field. This thesis became widespread only in the British-American world, which already contained fertile ground for such a perception of Russian politics. The use of this thesis affects both international relations and global security.Keywords: malign activities of Russia; USA; Russia; West; NATO; hybrid war