CEPADE Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Economic War Against Russia: Who Is Behind The New Coldwar?Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 6. p.7–19read more380
After the collapse of the USSR the new geopolitical order seemed to have buried the Cold War forever. The Cold War concept is part of international relations, so it is necessary to study its modern form since the end of World War II. Although the USA is now the only superpower, the USSR was a hegemonic power in a bipolar World and Russia remains still a power. Geopolitical interests in the Mediterranean Sea, the crisis in Ukraine and the NATO approaching Russia’s borders have triggered a new version of the Cold War that should have a short life. The 2008 war between Russia and Georgia and the recovery of Crimea have shown the power of Russia in the region and the instability in the Middle East should encourage cooperation, not confrontation. There is no room for sanctions and retaliations.Keywords: Geopolitics; Truman Doctrine; NATO; Marshall Plan; Ukraine; Crimea; Sanctions; Retaliation