Topychkanov Andrey

Topychkanov A.V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5372-4414
Scopus ID: 57191092610
ResearcherID: A-6005-2017
M.V. Lomonosov About "Politics"Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 6. p.3-13read more327
Political Space In The Tsars’ Residences Of The 17th Century: Vertical And Horizontal DimensionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 1. p.102-109read more342
The current growing interest in the concept of “political space” is largely associated with its use within constructivist studies. Adopting this perspective, this article examines the construction of political space in tsarist country residences of the 17th century and identifi es two methods employed in the process. The first led to the creation of a hierarchically (vertically) organized political space, the second — to a horizontal space. In the fi rst case, only representatives of the supreme power were endowed with political subjectivity, while in the second every participant in the political communication process was. Both methods were used simultaneously, which was caused not only by the need to satisfy private interests, but also by the need for empowering interaction, when subjects received certain benefi ts in exchange for recognition of the legitimacy of the supreme power.Keywords: political space; constructivism; hierarchy; empowering interaction
To the History and Current Status of Academic Journals of Political Sciences (To the 50th Anniversary of the Journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science”)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 5. p.7-28read more395
The article deals with the history of the scientifi c journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science” in 2009–2021. The journal is the successor to the series “Theory of Scientifi c Communism”, the edition of which was launched 50 years ago — in 1971. With this series, it became possible to substantively selfdetermine two disciplines that were intensively developing abroad — sociology and political science.
By order of the rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician V.A. Sadovnichy, edition of “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science” was transferred to the Political Science Department, and the dean-organizer of the faculty, professor A.Yu. Shutov became its editor in chief. During this time, an international editorial board was created, the circle of authors, including those from abroad, was expanded, the examination of incoming articles was strengthened, the journal signifi cantly increased its presence on the Internet, which contributes to the growth of its citation (impact factor). Thanks to the development of the edition, the journal took 1st place in the Science Index rating on the topic “Politics. Political Sciences” in August 2020 and was included in the Russian Science Citation Index on the Web of Science platform.Keywords: Lomonosov Moscow State University; “Moscow University Bulletin”; scientific journal; scientific journalism; political science; history of science
The continuity of the development of political science in Russia: the possibilities of historicizing the disciplineMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2024. more136