Categorical and Conceptual Apparatus of Sports Policy as a System of Scientific KnowledgeMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2023. 5. p.74-84read more184
This work is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the formation of a system of new scientific knowledge — sports policy, in particular, with its categorical and conceptual apparatus. Currently, there are no theoretically based scientific works devoted to the consideration of the categorical and conceptual apparatus of policy in the field of sports. A significant place in this study is devoted to the relationship between politics and sports, the challenges they currently face. Science need to form its own system of concepts and categories of sports policy.
The article points out significant differences between policy in the field of physical culture and sports as part of social policy and sports policy as an institutional system. The process of formation and development of sports policy as an independent field of scientific knowledge requires theoretical understanding in accordance with new scientific research and practical achievements, which will significantly eliminate the ambiguity in the interpretation of basic concepts and definitions. The study emphasizes that sports policy is a complex of scientific knowledge based on the achievements of other sciences. The article reveals the essence of the dualistic system of the concept of “sports policy”, examines the constituent elements of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of sports policy, including the categories of political and sports sciences, as well as its own.Keywords: politics; sports; sports policy; scientific categories; categorical and conceptual apparatus; political science; sports science