Brovko Vasiliy Yurievich
Conceptual Models Of Information Policy: On The Question Of SystematizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2015. 5. p.67-80read more350
Hybrid Warfare: On the Problem of Interpretation in Political ScienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 5. p.68-84read more1235
The article attempts to make a conceptual interpretation of the hybrid war phenomenon integrating it in the broader fi eld of political science. The authors consistently separate scientifi c and non-scientifi c interpretations of the phenomenon, define various disciplinary frameworks for its interpretation and analyze contemporary literature on the topic. Based on the historical and comparative analysis of diff erent cases of hybrid war through the lens of discourse analysis, the article provides a defi nition of the notion putting it in relationship with concepts of conventional war, smart power, “legal” and “political war.” As a result, hybrid war is defi ned as a combination of concrete military action and other tools able to infl uence political institutions, regimes and processes. Thus, hybrid war as a political phenomenon is part of the (geo)political strategy of an actor and consequently a conscious and goal-oriented action. Furthermore, the article notes that taking into consideration that communication is a system forming process in modern politics, the interpretation of hybrid warfare must look at the role of information and communication as key components of the concept. In fact, it is exactly the domination over the realm of information which determines the specifi cs of the modern confl ict as it appears more and more important not the victory as such, but rather how it is communicated and presented in the information fi eld. In turn, the infl uence on information processes is carried out through political technologies and refl ection management.
Keywords: hybrid warfare, conceptual interpretation, history of hybrid confl icts, political war, legal warfare, smart power
The Features of Consolidation of the ‘Information Sovereignty’ within the Framework of Growing Hybrid ConfrontationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 1. p.14-32read more977
The article explores the effect of the implementation of digital technologies able to affect the modern processes in the field of political management. The starting assumption is that the key political actor — the state — is undergoing today an important transformation. The article starts by analysing the concept of ‘sovereignty’ in a broad historical perspective, as well as in its modern interpretation (through the lens of neorealism, neoliberalism and post-positivism). Although in the conditions of hybrid confrontation the virtual space appears a challenge to sovereignty, the state remains a powerful actor. The key task of the state today indeed is the control of the virtual space, while the protection of the ‘information sovereignty’ becomes a priority in the framework of its information policy. The definition of the concept of ‘information sovereignty’ used in the article is drawn on the comparison of different available approaches. The authors finally suggest different directions through which the protection of ‘information sovereignty’ can be implemented, namely the development of information infrastructure, the identification of threats and the creation of an appropriate legislative framework.Keywords: information and communication revolution; sovereignty; information sovereignty; state; hybrid warfare; Russia; information policy