Kupriyanov Alexey Vladimirovich
India — Maldives — Sri Lanka: A Failed Attempt to Create a Local Security Mechanism in the Indian OceanMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 2. p.76-92read more1008
This article analyzes the emergence and operation of the Tripartite Maritime Safety Cooperation initiative (TMSC). The fi rst mechanism in the history of the Indian Ocean region involving interaction at the level of security advisers of India and its key security partners — the Republic of Maldives and Sri Lanka — existed for three years; at the moment its activities are frozen. The author sets himself the task of analyzing the reasons for the creation of this initiative, the interests of the participating countries, the activities carried out in the framework of the TMSC and their results, and fi nally the possible reasons for the termination of the TMSC’s functions. The author concludes that the reasons for the failure of the TMSC initiative in their current form are objective, and that India, if it intends to create an eff ective alliance, will have to either change the approach to the formation of such mechanisms, formalize them even more, or negotiate with China as an alternative security provider.
Keywords: India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, TMSC, Indian Ocean, security mechanism