Telin Kirill Olegovich
Political Middle Class And The Transformation Of Political SpaceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 2. p.90-94read more322
The Future Of Representative Democracy And Parliamentary Institutions In The Modern World And RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2013. 1. p.27-87read more299
Poltical Culture As A Stability Factor In A Poltical SystemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 3. p.91-106read more459
In this article the authors examine political culture as a legitimate constituent of a political system in which the actors within an existing stable structure are able to initiate and effi ciently realize changes needed to maintain adaptive capacity — thus making political culture an important factor in political stability. The importance of cultural elements in relation to this status is connected to examples of political behavior and different orientations expressed within the community that are able to either facilitate or hinder the achievement of stability.
The article discusses the validity of the terms “stability” and “stabilization” in relation to authoritarian and totalitarian systems. Certain factors mitigate against such validity: the suppression of political participation, the “imposed consensus”, the falsifi cation of preferences, the presence of an imposed ideology associated with the prospect of its own “hypernormalization,” etc. Particular attention is paid to different scenarios of interaction between a political system and political culture, using specifi c historical examples.Keywords: political culture; political stability; political system; totalitarianism; authoritarianism; political participation; society; power
Strategies of Western Sanctions: from Containment of Socio-Economic Development to Formation of a New Confi guration of International InstitutionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 5. p.7-33read more887
This article reconstructs the logic and direction of the sanctions against Russia of a number of countries in Europe and North America. The restrictive actions of these states are a joint coordinated strategy of containing the social and economic development of Russia. At the same time, the implementation of this strategy causes serious disagreements in the political elites and societies of Western countries, creating new lines of disengagement in the fi eld of security, the development of trade, and in cultural and humanitarian relations. Sanctions policy is represented diff erently in the countries in question. The American course is focused on long-term consolidation of restrictions with respect to Russia and is part of the domestic political process of rivalry among elite groups. The European choice in this case varies across a wide range of possible scenarios: from gradual normalization of relations to building more constructive cooperation based on economic interest and, possibly, creating a common security space, to a policy of increasing tensions with escalating threats and breaking existing economic ties.
Keywords: policy of sanctions, containment of socio-economic development, political scenarios of the sanction process, the position of the United States and the European Union on the issue of anti-Russian sanctions
“To Behave Better”: Business and Power in Contemporary RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2021. 4. p.57-75read more1050
The article analyses the much-discussed idea over the past few years of “de-oligarchization” of Russian politics and economy. Starting from the analysis of how the concepts of “oligarch” and “equidistance [of the oligarchs] from power” are articulated in the Russian public sphere, the article investigates what institutional or rhetorical changes affected the transformation of the public opinion when comparing the perception of politics in the 1990s with the following period of time. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the socio-economic transformation that have taken place within Russia and the concurrent discursive shift, including the notion of “rethinking” the Russian political reality, repeatedly stressed by various speakers. The article argues that the methodologically effective neo-corporatist paradigm of interaction between government and business remains a relevant analytical framework to investigate and describe contemporary relations between public authorities and powerful businessmen.Keywords: neo-corporatism; Russian politics; oligarchs; public policy; business; power