Seidumanova Anel’ Serikovna
Controversial Aspects of Defi ning the Concept and Typology of Models of EthnopoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 6. p.27-41read more858
This article addresses a number of acutely debatable issues related to the terminology, defi nition of the subject, the subject itself, the tasks and the principles of ethnopolitics. When considering the terminological aspects of ethnopolitical discourse, primary attention is paid to the use of the terms “nationality policy” and “ethnopolitics.” Based on an analysis of the fi eld and the subject of ethnopolitics, the author concludes that giving ethnic groups the status of full-fl edged political subjects leads to the dismantling of the civil and political unity of the nationality group. The article’s fi nal section discusses some examples of the typological approach to the models of ethnopolitics. The author demonstrates the lack of validity of a dichotomy of traditionalist and modernist projections of ethnopolitics, as well as the need to adjust the concept of “ethnic regimes.”
Keywords: ethnopolitics, nationality policy, nation-building, ethnocracy, typology