Li Xu
The Political Culture of Modern Chinese YouthMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 1. p.95-106read more848
This article presents some of the results of “A Study of the Political Culture of Students,” a research project carried out by scholars at the East China University of Political Science and Law. The project sought to analyze the political consciousness and culture of modern Chinese students, assessing the specifi cs and dynamics of changes in political views and ideology among young people studying in humanitarian universities. In its conclusion, the project reported that Chinese students are distinguished by a rather high degree of confi dence in the Communist Party of China and its political course toward the socialist development of the country. In the new conditions of the information age, the political consciousness and culture of Chinese students are formed under the infl uence of the Internet and have become more pluralistic and open. In the future, Chinese universities should conduct purposeful and systematic work to improve the level of political consciousness and culture among students, organizing various types of social practice for university students.
Keywords: political culture, consciousness, views, Chinese students, politics and ideology, Internet