Kovtun Evgeny Igorevich
Perceptions among Moscow Youth of Protest Activity: Sociological Survey DataMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 1. p.87-94read more755
In a democratic political process, non-violent protest is an important channel of communication between civil society and the state. The growth of protest activity shows that part of the population is dissatisfi ed with the current political and economic situation, as well as with its place in the stratifi cation of society. Since 2017 there has been an increase in youth protest activity. Some protests of recent years have been accompanied by confl icts between protesters and the police, with subsequent detention of the former. This article presents the results of a sociological survey of some 600 young people, 14 to 30 years of age, conducted in Moscow schools, colleges and universities over 2018–2019. It analyzes the attitude of young people to the situation in the country, to various forms of political activity and, in particular, to protest activity and the infl uence of political ideologies and the Internet on the latter.
Keywords: youth, protest participation, Internet, protest potential, idea, ideology