Shuvalova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
Requirements for Political Leadership during Socio-Political TransformationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 1. p.65-76read more784
Modern global development trends and the tasks set in the annual presidential address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation make clear the necessity for signifi cant socio-political transformations. These changes require the development of modern criteria for new politicians and socio-political leaders and managers as well as the defi nition of approaches to their identifi cation and preparation. The results of a single voting day — September 9, 2018 — have rendered this task immediate. The political system has begun a transformation and is putting forward new demands for political governance. This article presents an analysis of the following: the socio-political prerequisites for the formation of new requirements for political leadership; the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of political leadership during sociopolitical transformations and to forecasting in the fi eld of political leadership; and the method of determining the requirements for political leadership (characteristics of politicians) based on the principle of mutual infl uence of political leaders and the political environment. The author concludes by presenting the results of expert studies conducted in September, 2018 of the requirements made of politicians and the political environment.
Keywords: politician, political leader, political environment, transformation, forecasting
The Parliamentary Majority In Terms Of Democratization Of Political SystemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2011. 6. p.32-46read more273