Lupyr Yuri Valentinovich
Problems and Threats in the Field of Space SecurityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 4. p.63-76read more907
This article discusses the main problems and threats that arise in connection with the study and exploration of outer space. Based on a theoretical review of these space challenges, the author maintains that the unresolved nature and further exacerbation of problems in the fi eld of space exploration pose a threat to both multilateral space activities and the security of all participants in contemporary world politics. Therefore, he continues, it is necessary to develop the most eff ective methods of solving the problems with the equal and active participation of all actors in “space relations.” In addition, the article concludes. it is extremely important to establish and maintain a regime for the free exploration and use of outer space, its objects and resources, by all participants in space activities — including the states and commercial organizations that are increasingly involved in the study and development of near space in the 21st century.
Keywords: space, national security, activities in outer space, space security, the Second Space Race, militarization of space, space debris