Bartosh Alexandr Aleksandrovich
Strategic Culture as an Instrument of “Soft Power” for Russian DiplomacуMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 4. p.19-31read more978
Rivalry between centers of power, the rise of extremism, unceremonious attempts at interference in the internal aff airs of sovereign states, the build-up of military preparations — all these and various other challenges and threats are putting international law, international mechanisms and the world order through very serious tests that will last for decades. Actions to undermine the global and national security of Russia are based on the economic, fi nancial, informational and military domination of the United States and on a broad system of alliances and international economic and fi nancial organizations operating under the auspices of Washington. To address these problems, “soft power” technologies can be skillfully applied in each of the spheres of state management: administrative, political, socioeconomic, cultural and ideological. Strategic culture is a unique tool to counter rivals and promote our own values in the conduct of foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: diplomacy, strategic culture, military-political analysis, forecasting, strategic planning, factors, “soft power,” hybrid wars