Mikhalev Alexey Viktorovich
Crossing Borders: Institutions of Contemporary Trans-Asian PoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 5. p.83-94read more740
This article deals with one of the forms of new regionalism in Asia — trans- Asian politics. The author examines in detail how trans-Asian political structures are formed on the basis of liberal ideology. The study is based on materials from the Asian media; its research methodology draws on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of political capital. The chronological framework of the study extends over the first twenty years of the 21st century, during which the infl uence of liberal ideology shaped a new regionalism. At the present stage, the structures that perform the representative function of trans-Asian political integration describe their ideology in marked contrast to the ideologies of both China and Russia. Having close ties with American and European institutions, they form a special generation of political organizations and politicians focused on actions both within their own national states and outside their borders. In the future, this may become a serious challenge to the internal political stability of the regional hegemonic powers. As the liberal vector of trans-Asian politics strengthens, the article concludes. the likelihood of developing intra-regional structures oriented towards conservative values and ideas increases.
Keywords: politics, Asia, integration, regionalism, political capital, power
Diversity Of Political Senses Of The ‘russian World’ At The Asian FrontierMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2017. 6. p.43-59read more389
This article is an analysis of the political senses of the Russian World concept at the Russian-Chinese and Russian-Mongolian frontiers. The author proceeds from the thesis that the Russian World is a key domestic political category in Russia and can be used to describe and interpret both the Russian diasporas and systems of signs-symbols that have a correlation with the Russian or Soviet presence abroad. The text deals with three main components of the Russian World: ideology of the Russian presence, Russian orthodoxy and the Russian language. The author points out that each of the components can have multiple meanings. On each frontier, each component has at least three connotations. These connotations defi ne the diversity of the Russian World, focusing on the category of ‘world’ as presupposing multiplicity. Proceeding from this, an attempt is made to dispute the amorphousness ascribed by Western Russianists to the Russian World concept. In the author’s opinion, diversity of religious confessions and its hybrid nature are the key characteristics of the Russian World across the entire expanse of the Asian frontier of Russia.Keywords: Russian world; hybridity; political senses; frontier; political presents