Malkevich Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Possibilities of Using Internet in the System of Youth Policy in RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 4. p.38-49read more959
This article is devoted to the analysis of the directions and possibilities of using Internet technologies in the implementation of the state youth policy of Russia. The author notes that information technologies and network forms of communication form fundamentally new models of socialization and, as a result, expand the range of possible forms of political participation of young people. In this regard, it is important that youth policy is implemented taking into account current socio-political and cultural trends, as well as the opportunities off ered by modern information and communication technologies. Special attention is paid to the use of Internet technologies to solve information and communication problems of youth policy, as well as to ensure the process of civil and Patriotic education of young people.
Keywords: youth, youth policy, political socialization, Internet, social networks, political participation
Social Media as a Factor in the Political Socialization of Young People: From Hierarchy to a Network ModelMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2019. 6. p.88-97read more1179
This article analyzes the role of social networks in the process of political socialization of modern young people. The author notes that Internet technologies and social media have had a signifi cant impact on the transformation of traditional forms of social and political communication. The hierarchical structure, where the key agents of socialization are the institutions of the family, schools, and traditional media, is being replaced by a network model with its inherent non-linear and non-hierarchical processes. The result of this has been the emergence of a network model of political socialization characterized by nonlinear processes, the strengthening of subject-subject relations, the introverted character of socialization and the predominance of horizontal relations between the participants of political socialization.
Keywords: political socialization, social media, the Internet, young people, political participation