Mityaeva Olga Ivanovna
Let Us Remember a World Saved: From the History of the Great Patriotic WarMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 2. p.7-17read more838
The contemporary world celebrates the 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism and the defeat of Nazi Germany as a result of World War II. The anniversary of the victory is rendered important by the need to resist active attempts to distort history, to negate the decisive role of the Soviet people and their army in defeating fascism. The Great Patriotic War has no equal in history in terms of the grandeur and intensity of the armed struggle and the eff orts expended on the home front. The decisive role of the Soviet Union in the defeat of fascist Germany was noted by many contemporaries, not only allies (such as Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, for example) but also opponents. The allies of the anti-Hitler coalition launched widespread off ensives only in the last stage of the war, when the victory was a foregone conclusion and paid for at a high price. The USSR lost 26.6 million citizens, including 8.7 million military personnel and 17.9 million ivilians. Thus it was that the Soviet people saved themselves and European civilization from destruction.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War; the USSR and the Union States; mutual obligations; the price of victory; historical memory
The Historical And Political Views Of P. N. MilyukovMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2014. 2. p.80-88read more312
Petr Stolypin And The Development Of ZemstvoMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2015. 6. p.17-26read more382
Aleksandr Pushkin And PoliticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2022. 2. p.93-106read more437
The article discusses the connection between literature and politics on the example of Aleksandr S. Pushkin (1799–1837). Already the first poetic works by Pushkin reflect his civic thought and ideas about the rule of law. An analysis of his works of fiction and non-fiction shows that he used scholarly and literary approaches for the analysis of Russia’s past and the assessment of existing problems. He denied schematism in the interpretation of the past, advocated progress based on the wise ruling the country, citizenship, and patriotism of the people, supported the idea of reforms leading to the elimination of serfdom and the autocracy, but his good and visionary advice was not heard. On the contrary, he was sent into exile, first to the south, then to Mikhailovskoye. After his release from exile in 1826, he was under police surveillance. The historical role of his works lies in the fact that he played a significant role in the growth of national consciousness and public interest in politics.Keywords: Russian empire; justice; history and politics; A.S. Pushkin