Mamedov Intigam Bayram ogly
Political Globalistics: Research Directions in a Context of Global UncertaintyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 1. p.103-121read more954
This article off ers a review of the reports presented at the round table “Political Globalistics: Research Directions in a Context of Global Uncertainty” convened by Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Political Science Department as part of the III Congress of the Russian Society of Political Scientists (Moscow, September 10–12, 2018). Among a number of key issues considered by the participants, special attention was paid to current problems of the development of globalistics as an interdisciplinary fi eld of scholarship; the transformation of the subject area of globalistics; and new challenges facing the academic community and the role of interdisciplinary knowledge in their resolution.
Keywords: political globalistics; globalization; world order; civilization; global cities; international relations
Round Table "The Crisis Of Civilization In The Context Of Political Processes And Activities Of The United Nations"Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2015. 5. p.124-135read more271
Mechanisms Of Influence By Transnational Corporations On The Foreign Policy Of StatesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2016. 4. p.38-50read more553
This article is devoted to the analysis of transnational corporations (TNC) as specifi c subjects of international politics and intities capable of changing the foreign policies of both their states of residence and states of origin. The author offers two approaches to studying the infl uence of TNCs on the foreign policy of a state. Each approach depends directly on what part is assigned to corporations in the world’s political processes. The fi rst approach considers a TNC as the instrument of a state of origin’s foreign policy. In the second view a corporation is an independent actor to some extent. The author covers the principal means and mechanisms used by corporations when exposed to internal and external policies of developed and developing countries. Also offered are examples of the infl uence of corporations on the totality of foreign policies of national states and, as a consequence, on world politics. Particular attention is paid to media corporations and the phenomenon of media protection. In his conclusion the author addresses prospects for the application of categories of Western political economy, alternative to the concept of TNC in Russian political science studies.Keywords: transnational corporations; global companies; geocentric organization; foreign policy; media corporations; non-state actors; world politics; world economy
Round Table: “The Strategy of Sustainable Development in the Context of Political Processes of the 21st Century”Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2018. 1. p.104-119read more822
This article provides a review of theses presented at the round table “The Strategy of Sustainable Development in the Context of 21st c. Political Processes,” held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Department of Political Science in conjunction with the V International Scholarly Congress “Global Studies-2017” (Moscow, September 25–30, 2017). Participants focused on the complex of political, philosophical, social and economic problems connected with the “sustainable development” category.
Keywords: sustainable development, globalization, world civilization, crisis, balance of power, modernization, developing countries, “soft power,” macro-region, turbulence in world politics, multinational corporations, information war