Kozlova Natalia Alekseevna
The Recruitment of Russia’s Post-Soviet Political EliteMoscow University Bulletin. Series 12. Political Science. 2020. 1. p.79-86read more858
This article examines certain aspects of the formation of the Russian political elite in the 1990s and 2000s, providing a comparative analysis of these periods and identifying prospects for the development of a formative process for the modern Russian elite. According to the author, after the collapse of the USSR, the method of recruitment of the Russian political elite changed. However, the emergence of new recruiting methodologies did not lead to a radical renewal of this group. Most of the 80 Yeltsin elite came from the “second and third echelons” of the Soviet elite. Against the background of a decline in the share of incoming cadres from non-elite segments of the population, the share of liberal intellectuals in the political elite increased and a layer of representatives of business appeared. In the 2000s, as a result of President Vladimir Putin’s reforms, the regional elites lost many of their powers, and as a result the position of the federal elite was strengthened. The government has signifi cantly increased the number of representatives of law enforcement agencies and business. The political elite has become more consolidated. Confl icts between sub-elite groups have disappeared from the public arena of politics. A rejuvenation of the ranks of the Russian elite has taken place.Keywords: political elite; federal elite; regional elite; recruitment; power; process