ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Governmental Model Of Electoral Management: Theoretical Construct And Reality

The Governmental Model Of Electoral Management: Theoretical Construct And Reality


This article presents a special case study of the one of the basic models of electoral management, in which elections are conducted by executive authorities. The theoretical concept of the governmental model of electoral management is reviewed by the author, who makes adjustments to the current scholarly assessment of the spread of the phenomenon based on cross-case analysis. The article demonstrates that the concept of the governmental model is being applied excessively broadly in contemporary political science, with clear violations of the concept’s defi nitions. The author maintains that a reduction in the role of the cabinet in electoral governance is an observed phenomenon, and that his is the fi rst analysis to characterize the conducting of elections by executives independent of the cabinet. The article concludes that this form of electoral management could pass away in the foreseeable future, as the governmental model is in confl ict with contemporary trends in the development of public policy and management of the electoral process.


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Keywords: electoral governance; electoral management; governmental model; electoral authorities

Available in the on-line version with: 15.06.2016

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Number 3, 2016