ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Us Trade War Against Chin A During The Presidency Of D. Trump As A Component Of Contemporary Hybrid Wars

The Us Trade War Against Chin A During The Presidency Of D. Trump As A Component Of Contemporary Hybrid Wars


This article is devoted to modern forms and methods of waging trade wars (on the example of the confrontation between the USA and China). Focusing on the trade war as a phenomenon and an important component of modern hybrid wars, the authors of the article reveal the comprehensive deterrents of US to China, including in the scientific, technological, military, political and diplomatic fields, confirming that the trade war unleashed by the Trump administration since 2018 is part of the US hybrid wars against China. The article also analyzes the reasons for the U.S. anti-China policy from macro, meso, and micro perspectives, and concludes by summarizing the phased outcomes and consequences of this trade war, which is still ongoing.


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Keywords: trade war; hybrid warfare; US; China; restraint; confrontation

Available in the on-line version with: 15.10.2022

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